Merle Doeswijk
Stormy clouds above the sea
The clouds are anxious, or maybe sad
Who knows?
As the tears they’ve been holding
Start to fall down
They allow their stormy feelings to shine through
They’re suffering and their pain flashes so quickly
Fast enough that only the people who care will notice
I have always loved storms
I like the comfort of not really being alone with my feelings
I too can let the stormy clouds roll in, and it’s okay to let the rain fall
Some people are afraid of these storms
But the true understand that with a little patience it will pass
Because inside every storm, there is still a little color, a little light
And that proves that the sun will shine again
But right now, the stormy clouds above the sea
Are still fighting their stormy feelings
Fighting, waiting for the moment
The moment when they are ready to let go
Let go, and let the sun shine again